Halina Piasecka

Development and support - these are values that are crucial for me at work.

I support leaders, experts and teams so that they can grow, manage their emotions and stress even better.

It allows them to be happy at work and beyond.

Contact me


  • Offer for companies
  • Offer for individual clients
  • Workshop

    I design workshop and developmental processes to support you in achieving the goals that are important for you, for your team and for your organization.

    I have 20+ years of experience working with the business world. I listen carefully to my clients, as their needs are especially important to me. Therefore, my development programs address what are the most important goals for them.

    I have an open and creative mind.

    Workshops already delivered many times:

    • Wellbeing – a new practical approach.
    • Happiness at work – how to build it consciously?
    • Stress – how to make stress you friend?
    • Emotional intelligence– how can I built it as a leader?
    • Emotional resilience – how to reinforce it on a daily basis?
    • Feedback culture – how can I give and how do I want to receive feedback ?
    • The coach approach – tools and techniques for managers and leaders.
    • Team communication – golden rules and best practices.
    • Communication with the client – how to build long term relationships.
    • Positive self-confidence and personal branding.
  • Consultation

    I provide psychological support and assistance in situations of change, promotion, challenges. I can support you and assist in dealing effectively with stress.

    I conduct also mentoring, during which you have the opportunity to gain a new perspective, inspiration, knowledge needed in a given situation.

    I am here to inspire you and share my 20 years of working with people experience with you.

  • Coaching

    I am a coach who completed the Fast Track and Corporate Business Coach course within the CoachU programe (4 years of development within this coaching school) and then I passed the International Coach Federation exam and received my ACC diploma.

    I mostly work with female talents, with women who are going through a change related to promotion or those who are leading a difficult project in an organization and need support.

  • Webinars and public speaking

    I have a lot of experience in public speaking, whether in front of a team of 50 people or an audience of over 800 listeners.

    I enjoy it a lot!

    I make sure to inspire, convey knowledge and share the latest research in a given topic, but also to entertain participants and interest them with stories that enrich the whole message. Story telling is so important nowadays!

    I conduct webinars in Polish, English and French reaching audience around the world (India, France, USA, the Czech Republic and the UK).

    The most frequent topics of my speeches and webinars are:

    • Wellbeing at work – what are the latest new about it?
    • Emotional intelligence – main skill for a leader.
    • Happiness at work – how can we take care of it?
    • Gratitude – is it a valuable reality or a fleeting idea?
    • The art of relaxation – how can we tackle this challenge of our times?
    • Breathing – what does science tell us about this phenomenon?
    Halina Piasecka
  • Interviews

    I created  the Women’s Business Club  at the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce. I have conducted hundreds of interviews with great experts inspiring members of the Club.

    Many times, during my clients’ conferences, I have interviewed key leaders of the organization on stage. This helped  to inspire people through sharing real stories.

    I am also the co-founder of the Happiness at Work podcast. We have created 50 episodes and a huge number of valuable conversations with interesting people from the Business World and beyond.

    Halina Piasecka
  • The UpBalance Project

    I have the great pleasure, as a psychologist, to be part of the UpBalance project.

    UpBalance is an effective prevention program of burnout of your teams that provides support to build the mental resilience of employees. The application itself is a certified medical tool that was built using a behavioural-cognitive approach to stress management.

    My participation complements technology; I inspire, motivate, and give support so that people can really profit from the whole program.

    I work with leaders who then support teams in implementing the knowledge and skills learnt through using the app in their daily work.


  • Online and face-to-face workshops

    Online meetings related to specific topics, e.g.:

    • self-confidence,
    • communication,
    • speaking up and personal branding,
    • happiness at work,
    • building personal well-being,
    • emotional intelligence,
    • conflict resolution,
    • motivational dialogue,
    • assertiveness.
  • Coaching

    Collaboration aiming to support you in your change, help you to grow, to move forward. Details are to be discussed and defined after an online meeting.


    Duration – 4-6 months, 6-10 sessions

    Objective – to be defined in one-to-one conversation with a client

  • Consultation

    One-to-one mentoring/consulting meetings in areas that are important to you f. ex.: leadership effectiveness, dealing with stress when leading projects, building your personal branding, effective communication and building motivation. It is also a great time to pause and gain a higher level of self-consciousness.

  • Psychological support

    One-to-one sessions that support you in challenging and difficult situations generating stress. Form and duration – to be defined with clients before the whole process starts.

About me

  • In a nutshell
  • Education and experience
  • Clients
In a nutshell

My name is Halina Piasecka. I am a psychologist and a business coach with over 20 years of experience. Most people call me simply – Halinka.

I have always been interested in people and interpersonal relationships.

I am an expert in the area of happiness at work.

As a big fan of positive psychology, I am fascinated by conscious development, by motivation to change and the willingness to go grow.

Education and experience

As an expert in the area of Happiness at Work, I have consulted clients for over 12 years and conducted various project related to HaW while being a partner at Piasecka&Żylewicz Selective Training.

Together with Maciek Żylewicz, I created a podcast Happiness at Work (Podcast Szczęście w Pracy).

I graduated from two faculties – Psychology and Applied Linguistics, both at the Warsaw University.

I have always been very close to the French culture. I was for many years a member of the Council and before a member of the Board of the French-Polish Chamber of Commerce, as part of which I have been running the Women’s Business Club for nearly 10 years.

„Le progrès de l’entreprise par le progrès du dirigeant” – „The progress of an organization takes place through the development of the person at the head of the organisation.”

This quote is the motto of APM – Association Progrès du Management www.apm.fr , the French organization within which I have been running The Varsovie Copernic Club – a Club for French-speaking CEOs.

Its mission is to provide a continuous development to  these extraordinary individuals working as  heads of the  largest organizations and ambitious smaller businesses.

I have an incredible appreciation for APM and its values.


Alior Bank
Atlas Copco
Bank BPH
Bre Ubezpieczenia
BGŻ Leasing
Centrum Nauki Kopernik
Deutsche Bank
Feu Vert Car Service
General Motors


Kia Motors
Leroy Merlin
Lukas Bank
Lynx Optique
Nationale Nederlanden
Nissan Europe
Orlen Upstream


Raiffeisen Bank
Sodexo Pass
Teatr Wielki Opera Narodowa
Vital Voices